
Transitions Community Compass series - April

Wednesday 20 April 2022

We are excited to invite you to TCELT-INTR's 'Transitions Community Compass' series. Each session will involve a number of guests who will share how they have navigated their transitions journeys.

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Wednesday 20 April 2022, 17:00 - 18:00
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For this conversation we will be hearing from Sarah Hulme who is an Educational Psychologist and lecturer at the University of Dundee. Sarah will be talking about her experience of transition during lockdown through the lens of bereavement.  During the second lockdown in November 2020, Sarah’s sister died suddenly which has had a profound and identity changing effect as she navigates grief.  The interaction of this grief story in the context of a global pandemic leads to reflections on transitions at personal, community and global levels. 

Sarah has been an Educational Psychologist for 18 years and has worked with bereavement and loss during this time.  The complex dance of 'knowing' about grief and 'being' with grief is a transition that is challenging to navigate.  She will talk about this and reflect on what this means for an understanding of self during times of trauma.  Sarah is a mother of 3 young children and also aunty to her sister's 2 children. 

This session will be hosted by Dr Beth Hannah (University of Dundee) who undertakes research on transitions and is Director of Transformative Change: Educational and Life Transitions (TCELT) Research Centre.

Event type
Event category Research